12. Anyone who keeps an animal of a species listed in Schedule II in captivity without a licence may dispose of it by selling it, giving it away, or killing it.
A quail, northern bobwhite, pheasant, francolin, rock partridge or chukar, red-legged partridge, guinea fowl or rock dove may be disposed of by setting it free in the wild. A wild turkey may be disposed of by setting it free in the wild, except in fishing and hunting areas 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Where an animal of a species listed in Schedule II is sold by a retail merchant, excluding bovidae, camelidae, cervidae, boar, or ratitae, the merchant must provide the purchaser with an information sheet on which appear the name of the species, its normal adult size and the conditions essential to its well-being.
O.C. 1238-2002, s. 12; O.C. 802-2010, s. 6.